春节的由来英语作文_Origin of Spring Festival 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-07 04:52:28 阅读:151 点赞:0

关于”春节由来“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Ogin of Spng Festival。以下是关于春节由来初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ogin of Spng Festival

The first year of the Chinese lunar year is called the Spng Festival, which is the most solemn traditional festival of the Chinese people. It also symbolizes unity, pspety and the festival full of new hope for the fute. The Chinese Spng Festival has a history of many years.

It started with Yu S, than one day before , and Emper S led his subordinates to worship heaven and earth. People regard this day as new year's day, that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar is agculte The ogin of the lunar new year, later called the Spng Festival, Spng Festival before the spng festival called New Year's day, Spng Festival month called January. Some people say that the Spng Festival oginates fm the elfth lunar month, the Spng Festival oginates fm witchcraft ceremonies, the Spng Festival oginates fm the Spng Festival, and the Lantern Festival, which oginated in the Han Dynasty, has been paid attention to.

The Chinese folk tradition of paying attention to the Lantern Festival in the Song Dynasty is the Lantern Festival of watching lanterns, guessing lantern ddles, eating Lantern Festival, family reunion, and having a happy and harmonious night with the bght moon hanging high.




Spng Festival, as the name implies, with the arval of the Spng Festival holiday, rything is completely new. A new und of planting and harvest season has begun, and people have ry reason to welcome this song and dance festival. Therefore, red canvas and yellow characters are pasted in fnt of the door to celebrate the new year.

Another one is named "Spng Festival holiday", "what is a kind of bad luck, an imaginary animal", "the first tree has been witheng and white grass has been witheng "All things are gwing, flowers are rywhere" and "how can we prepare firecrackers? Have you r set off fireworks? The Beijing Municipal People's government has pmulgated a law phibiting the setting off of fireworks and firecrackers, this custom which has been followed for dreds of years into history. Spng Festival is a festival for family reunion, which is similar to the Western Chstmas when children retn home to their parents' homes The night before the Lunar New Year's Eve is really called "New Year's Eve", which is also called "reunion night". The traditional New Year's Eve celebrations of "Reunion" continue fm the beginning of the first day of the first month to the Lantern Festival's mood, and continue to the day before the festival of a month.

Ancestors, eared with dirty, paste door gods, couplets, flags, eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, and the new year's of "detainees" on New Year's Eve After the ceremony, the elders extended new year's greetings to the young people, and then expressed to their relatives and fends that they met for the first time in the Spng Festival, saying "congratulations on the new year", "congratulations on a fortune" and "Happy New Year". They congratulated each other on the three-day Spng Festival holiday offered by the Central People's of the people's Republic of China in December, which is the most grand and lively traditional festival among Chinese people.




Spng Festival is the most important festival in China. People usually decorate doors and windows with red paper cuts. Red means lucky people usually clean the house becse they want to sweep away bad luck.

Children can get some new clothes or gifts fm their parents and grandparents. The family always has a big dinner. Everyone watches TV and chats at midnight.

There is usually a on New Year's day. People usually put on new clothes and visit their women and fends. They usually say: "Happy New Year" the Spng Festival is o weeks after the end of the Lantern Festival.

People usually eat the legend of the "Millennium Zodiac", which can trace the ogin of the best animal of the Lantern Festival. On New Year's Eve, they can come out to eat people. The fable "new year beast" is extremely afraid of red, and the fire and noise are mixed.

People paste red paper on the gate, choose torches and light firecrackers and candles all night To avoid the "new year beast" until the next morning, the sound of "Congratulations" is endless. If the air is not full of air, it is the victory and the joy of rebirth.




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