节约的英语作文_save 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-18 03:53:16 阅读:123 点赞:0



One day, I went to a nearby ver with a gup of people and we wanted to check if it was clean. We did a lot of scientific s to see if the ver was healthy. Spsingly, we still find any garbage fm the ver.

We want to make se that the fish can live happily there. We spend a lot of money on some flowers in o school, hoping that we can use these flowers to buy o school flowers bloom recycling bin .


有一天,我和一组人去了附近一条河,我们想它是否净。我们做了许多科学,看看这条河是否健康。令人惊讶是,我们仍然从这条河中找到任何垃圾,我们想确保鱼能在那里快乐地生活,我们花了很多钱在学校买了一些花,希望我们能用这些花来买我们学校花bloom 回收箱 TT。


Ptect o envinment. If we don't deal with the garbage pblem, it is very important to deal with the ban garbage. The ban garbage will pollute the envinment and is harmful to o health.

Therefore, we must first take some effective meases to save o lives. Secondly, we should classify the garbage according to different types. Thirdly, we should recycle newspapers and glasses.

Finally, we must deal with the sewage It is necessary to make laws on envinmental ptection. We should start fm oselves, ptect o envinment and save o lives.




As is often seen in newspapers, wild animals, especially rare species, are facing the threat of extinction. Human beings are trying to t and kill wild animals to make huge pfits. Of cose, this has led to a sharp decrease in the number of animals.

Therefore, it is time for us to take quick actions to ptect them first. It is very necessary for ry citizen to realize the importance of ptecting animals In order to cultivate a sense of responsibility, people will certainly take it for granted that they have an obligation to prnt any wild animals fm being killed. Therefore, we should carry out a nationwide ppada campai to give animals a good living envinment.

The government should adopt some laws to phibit the ting and killing of rare animals. If ryone takes part in the work of ptecting wild animals, we don't want anything harmful to wild animals to happen again, becse human beings must be good fends of animals, not their enemies.



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