
发布时间:2024-04-11 06:57:17 阅读:9 点赞:0

关于”求职志愿者“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Job volunteer。以下是关于求职志愿者中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Job volunteer

My view on volunteer is that we are middle school students and we are busy with o homework. So some people think that if we volunteer to others, we should focus on learning, which is a waste of time. But I think volunteer is very good.

I am not only willing to others, but I can also spend time doing what I like to do. I have learned a lot fm volunteer , which I have nr had in class So if I have the opportunity, I like to go to the old people's home to clean up for them, I also like to the sick children in the hospital. I love the children.

I plan to make full use of my love by working in the hospital. I like to those who need . If ryone can a little, the world will become colorful.




Ben, I'm a student in my class. My hobby is that I work hard at school. It's my dream that I'm good at being a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games.

If I become a volunteer, B "" donate money. Everyone here is o important activities this week. That's all.

Thank you a Hello, ryone here is o important activities in recent days. O clasate Li Jia, with the of her teacher, has been practicing oral English hard on Wednesday afternoon. She won the first place in the English speech con.

How exciting it is that we should learn fm her yesterday. We donated books, schoolbags and to students in Sichuan, and he Li donated them alone Yuan, the most important thing is, as a student, we don't have to care how much we should pay, the expression of o love is the most important, thank you for yo exercise.


阿我是班上一个学生我今年岁我爱好是我在学校努力工作,我擅长成为北京会志愿者是我梦想如果我成为一名志愿者,B”“捐款你好,这里每个人都是周发生两个重要活动仅此而已,谢谢A B你好,这里每个人都是这几天发生两个重要活动,我们同学李佳在老师帮助下,周三下午一直在努力练习口语,她在英语演讲比赛中获得了第一名,这是多么令人兴奋啊,我们昨天应该向她学习,我们为学生捐了书,书包和币,何丽一个人捐了元,最重要是,作为一个学生,我们不必在乎我们应该付出多少,表达我们爱才是最重要,谢谢你运动。


Try yo best to find the heavy lost and found passenger show. On the way to take a taxi and bike, I talked with Xiao Ming about my dream last night. He volunteered to serve the Beijing Olympic Games.

Xiao Ming had a dream last night. He volunteered to serve the Beijing Olympic Games. He ted his best to forei fends in different countes.

When he found a forei fend wored on the street, he came to him and asked him what was going on. The foreier told him Ming is Jack. He forgets the way to sun hotel.

Then Xiao Ming stops a taxi and takes him to sun hotel. Xiao Ming talks with Jack on the way to let Jack know about Beijing. Jack is very grateful to Xiaoming.

He thinks Xiaoming's English is very good. Xiaoming is very happy. He iles and wakes up.



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