
发布时间:2023-03-31 15:26:03 阅读:71 点赞:0

关于”春节“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Chinese Spng Festival。以下是关于春节中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese Spng Festival

Spng Festival is a traditional festival in China and some Asian countes. It is said that wild animals are afraid of red, fire and sound. Therefore, people will have antithetical couplets, firecrackers, gongs and drums.

The customs and habits of different peods, regions and nationalities are different in China. The Spng Festival is also a custom and festival of ethnic minoties. People of all ethnic gups hold it according to their own customs and habits A vaety of celebration activities, with stng national charactesti of the Spng Festival is an ancient festival in o country, it is also one of the most important festivals in the year.

How to celebrate the festival, in the history of thousands of years, has formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, in o country, there are still many ethnic minoties are handed down, the Spng Festival is also the customs and festivals of minoty people, people of all ethnic gups In accordance with their own customs and habits, held a vaety of celebrations. On the of the Spng Festival, people with their own stng national customs, put on betiful clothes, held a grand and grand "Wizard" Boys Singing and dancing, weeding out the old and welcoming the new, and the women sent back the "spicious water" to wish you a happy new year In some places where the Spng Festival is the same as that of the local Han and Yi people, a pine tree is placed in fnt of the door and the floor is paved with pine wood. It is said that in order to avoid fire disaster, some areas slghter sheep and eat meat, exchange meat and steamed bread in the morning of the new year's day.

The first thing they do is to get up at home. They will have a bowl of water and heavier weight than yesterday, such as water for the Spng Festival.




Spng Festival (Chinese New Year) (prepang decoration) (getting together on ry day of the Lunar New Year (having a big meal until midnight (setting off fireworks) (putting on new clothes to welcome the new year's money fm parents on the first day) Chinese Spng Festival, the first day of the lunar calendar, people usually start prepang Spng Festival one month before Spng Festival. They prepare delicious food, clean and dress up on New Year's Eve They stay up until midnight and then set off fireworks on the first day of the lunar new year. Good luck.

The children put on new clothes to meet their parents. They are very happy to get lucky money fm them.


春节 ①(农历年) ②准备装饰) ③(在农历新年每一天聚在一起(吃大餐直到午夜(放烟花爆竹) ④(第一天穿上新衣服迎接父母给压岁钱) 春节,春节是农历第一天,人们通常在春节前一个月就开始准备春节,他们准备美味食物,在除夕夜打扫和装饰他们家,一家人聚在一起吃一顿丰盛晚餐,他们熬夜到午夜,在农历新年第一天燃放烟花爆竹祝好运,孩子们穿上新衣服迎接父母,他们很高兴从他们那里得到压岁钱。


The Chinese New Year is coming. I'm going to buy new clothes. Then I'm going to buy new clothes.

We're going to clean the house. We're going to have a big dinner. We're going to get lucky money fm o parents.

We're going to say thank you. It's going to be fun.



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