
发布时间:2023-10-16 15:48:00 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”经常考“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Regular 。以下是关于经常考初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


Since we went to school, we have to learn English. English has always been one of the main subjects for most students to learn English. In order to get high marks in the paper, they don't pay attention to oral English, which is not good for students to the language.

Oral English is very necessary. The language we learn is to use it in school. Most students only take this cose as a cose The door to the University.

We always find that the students with good oral English scores have poor oral English ability and n can't have a normal conversation. What a bad situation it is. If it is necessary to take oral English , this situation must be changed.

Students will stve to impve their oral English ability, and they will have the motivation to do it. Although this is a compulsory cose, it is really good for students. English should be combined with oral English, so that students can better the language and make it practical.




I want to finish my homework, review and celebrate the Spng Festival. I want to travel to Taiwan. If possible, I can visit some popular places, taste food and expeence different customs.

I want to go to Taipei With my idol Soda Green Concert, I beli my parents will appve of my arrangement for the coming holiday. I can't wait to book a ticket to Taiwan. I am looking forward to a meaningful and unforgettable winter vacation.

Time flies. My last winter vacation in junior high school is coming. I want to spend a long and betiful holiday in different ways.

For example, I will celebrate the Spng Festival and visit my grandparents. I miss my grandparents very much. Besides, I can't waste my vacation, so I will make full use of my precious time to study hard.

I think my parents will support such a decision. I do this becse they beli that I can ma my time wisely. I look forward to the holiday coming now.





If you're one of many slim, healthy people whose BMI (body mass index) technically makes them "overweight," then this story will be the music in yo ear. A new is about to be lnched, called ABSI BMI BMI BMI is calculated by dividing yo weight (in kilograms) by the square of yo height (meters) and has been cticized for years / Sue BAIC, a dietitian at Bstol University, says BMI is flawed becse it doesn't take into account where you carry fat or how stng yo muscles are. A woman with a fat abdomen, a thick waist, and thin arms and legs can be considered a healthy weight, but people with fat in the abdomen are likely to have heart disease, "diabetes and n some cancers." Sue baicbmi calculates yo ABSI by dividing yo waist circumference (in centimeters) by the square ot of yo height () times yo BMI ABSI / BMI squared, it's a very complex formula, "Sue said, but an online calculator is being dloped, and I think it's a good way to mease yo health, and it may ntually replace the suebmi of BMI.


如果你是众多身材苗条、身材健康人中一员,他们BMI(身体质量指数)在技术上使他们“超重”,那么这个故事将成为你耳边音乐一个新即将推出,称为ABSI BMI BMI BMI是用你体重(公斤)除以你身高(米)平方来计算,多年来BMI一直广受批评/布里斯托尔大学营养师苏贝奇(Sue Baic)说,体重指数是有缺陷,因为它没有考虑到你在哪里携带脂肪或你肌肉有多强。一个腹部肥胖、腰围粗、胳膊和腿瘦女可以被认为是健康体重,但腹部有脂肪人更容易患心脏病,“糖病甚至某些癌症”Sue baicbmi计算你ABSI你用你腰围(以厘米为单位)除以你身高平方根(厘米)乘以你BMI ABSI/BMI平方,这是一个非常复杂公式”,Sue说,但一个在线计算器正在中,我想这是一个很好衡量你健康程度方法,它可能最终取代BMISueBMI。

标签: 男孩子英文名  宠物英文名 

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