
发布时间:2024-04-15 13:46:48 阅读:11 点赞:0

关于”提高水平“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Raise the ll。以下是关于提高水平初三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Raise the ll

Now, due to overfishing and global warming, the species and quantity of mane fish have been greatly reduced, and the sea is polluted and it is difficult for fish to find food. We can take some meases, such as stocking fry ry spng, banning overfishing, and the government should prnt people fm discharging pollutants into the sea. All these meases can ptect the living envinment of animals and plants in the sea.




Dear fends, I would like to invite you to my birthday party on December in the Badway ballom. The party will be very interesting and exciting. I've reserved a ballom on Badway and a famous DJ for the party.

There will be dnks, food, dancing, s and many interesting things waiting for you. I hope to see you there.





Low carbon life, low carbon life Life) is to reduce ener consumption as much as possible in the life schedule, so as to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon life is a kind of life attitude for ordinary people. Low carbon life has become a new trend in the fute dlopment.

It bngs us a pblem of "we are willing to work together to a low-carbon life". Howr, we should actively advocate and practice low-carbon life Ener saving, solar terms, fm one ho after the lights are off, in addition to planting trees, we also buy a short distance of goods transportation, that is stairs, vaous, some are very interesting, some of the inevitable tubles of low-carbon life can be understood as: reducing carbon dioxide emissions, is low ener consumption, low consumption, low cost of life, in the premise of not reducing the quality of life, do all the ener-saving "reduction" "Emission" is not only a buzzword in today's society, it is related to the impvement of the consciousness of "ener conservation" in the fute strategic choice of . Its lifestyle or consumption habits will change the emission of greenhouse gases (mainly to reduce carbon dioxide) with the global reduction, which is of great siificance.

"Low carbon life" ener saving will to slow down the rate of global warming and envinmental degradation and reduce carbon dioxide Emissions, choose "low carbon life", is the responsibility of ry citizen.


低碳生活所谓“低碳生活”(lowcarbon life,lowcarbon life)就是要在生活程中尽量减少能源消耗,从而减少二氧化碳排放低碳生活,对于普通人来说是一种生活态度,低碳生活驿站成为未来发展新趋势,它给我们带来是一个“我们愿意携手创造低碳生活”问题,但我们应该积极倡导和践行低碳生活,注意节能、节气,从熄灯一个小时开始除了种树,还买了很短距离货物运输,那是楼梯,各种各样,有些很有趣,有些不可避免一些低碳生活麻烦可以理解为:减少二氧化碳排放,是低能耗、低消耗,低生活成在不降低生活质量前提下,做所有节能“减排”不仅是当今社会流行语,它关系到人类未来战略选择提高“节能”意识,其简单生活方式或消费习惯随着全球减少而改变温室气体(主要是减少二氧化碳)排放,具有重要意义“低碳生活”节能将有助于减缓全球变暖和环境恶化速度,减少二氧化碳排放,选择“低碳生活”,是每个公民责任。

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