
发布时间:2023-04-28 04:10:53 阅读:622 点赞:0

关于”保护知识产权“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:to ptect intellectual pperty (ght)。以下是关于保护知识产权高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:to ptect intellectual pperty (ght)

June 8, dear Haiqing, I heard that you are very unhappy recently, becse yo parents can't afford the famous brand shoes and clothes you like very much. I'm wting this letter to share with you my views on this matter. Bety is only superficial.

Don't you think it's stupid to care too much about yo own appearance? A shallow person looks at other people's appearance in the same sense He thinks that famous brand clothes can increase his charm, so please forget those famous brand things. What really matters is not whether you wear brand-name shoes or clothes, but whether yo clothes are suitable for you. As a student, you must wear school uniform on weekdays.

To tell you the truth, you look betiful in school uniform. Why do you bother to buy expensive brand-name clothes? Secondly, I know that yo parents are ordinary workers. Although they work very hard, they don't earn much money.

They will try their best to give you a lot of things according to their needs. Look at the calluses on their hands and the wnkles on their faces. How can you bear to exceed their affordability? This will certainly break their hearts.

Remember, parents don't owe us expensive summer camp, they don't owe us Sony to carry with them Listen, you don't owe us nike shoes. If you really want those fancy things, you should find a part-time job to them buy, instead of asking yo parents for money to increase their already heavy bden. Third, we have all kinds of things now.

They are good and cheap. What's the point of spending money on famous brand pducts? My fend, if you take my advice, you will become a intelligent consumer and a considerate child to their parents. Sometimes, poverty is a good thing, it can a person's character, it can make a man fm a boy to a boy faster, harder than anything else, in the near fute, you must be able to buy these things, now you still concentrate on learning, for a person who wants to become a success, it is not very much to concentrate on famous brand goods all day long Interesting? Keep in touch with yo Huang Ping.




How to ptect intellectual pperty with the pgress of society, scientists and others have put forward and technologies and innovations. Therefore, we attach great importance to the use of intellectual pperty ghts to ptect these intangible things. Although these things are intangible, they are as important as o tangible assets.

Recently, there have been many cases of infngement of intellectual pperty ghts and affecting the interests of relevant personnel, First of all, we should take meases to raise public awareness, so that most people can have a comprehensive understanding. In this special pperty, the individuals and orizations who enjoy the pperty must have sufficient knowledge. Once the relevant laws and regulations are violated, it is very important for them.

Finally, but equally important, it is the responsibility of the government to impve the secuty . Intellectual pperty ghts represent the pgress of society. We should stve to ptect intellectual pperty ghts.

If these meases can be implemented, the pblem of infngement of intellectual pperty ghts will ntually be solved.


如何保护知识产权 随着社会进步,科学家和其他人提出了越来越多技术和创新,因此我们非常重视利用知识产权来保护这些无形东西,尽管这些东西是无形,它们与我们拥有有形资产一样重要,最近出现了许多侵犯知识产权、影响有关人员利益案件,首先,要采取措施,提高公众认识,使大多数人都能有一个全面认识在这一特殊财产中,享有财产个人和组织必须具备足够知识,一旦违反了相关法律法规,这对他们来说是非常重要。最后,但同样重要是,完善安全防范体系是责任,知识产权代表着社会进步,我们应该努力保护知识产权,如果这些措施能够付诸实施,知识产权被侵犯问题最终会得到解决。

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