
发布时间:2022-12-04 04:31:59 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”新开始“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:New start。以下是关于新开始xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New start

Beethoven (Ludwig van Beethoven), one of the grea musicians in Germany, is one of the grea musicians in Germany. He lives in Holland. Poland was born in a civilian family in Bonn, Germany.

He has trained musical talents. He be to perform at the age of eight. In too much study, art dlops forward.

Beethoven belis in republicani, emphasizes es, and is full of the spit of the times His outstanding works, such as: Symphony , destiny Overte, and piano playing hot liver, etc. in the storm, in the moonlight, in the sadness of life frustrated, did not become a family when the age be to deaf, old age all deaf, can talk with people and lonely life did not make him silent and betrayed, in the whole pgress of thought is feudali era His works were inspired by the centy sports and influenced by the sports upsge in Germany. His personality is distinct and distinct than people.

In the past, he has made great pgress in music performance Some music forms have greatly impved the piano playing ability, which is the result of the ng drama. Symphony once again becomes an important form of music that directly replaces Beethoven's classical music. At the same time, it dlops the mantic peod and the ad of music.

It plays a pminent le in the dlopment of world music, and is honored as "Saint Ludwig" by you· Van Beethoven.




Selena Gomez, a famous Amecan pop singer and actress, recently started her new life. When she shows up in public, she gets thinner and looks perfect. The media always cticize her becse she looks fat.

Now Serena focuses her attention on music. She does well. Most people are familiar with the sweet girl in pop music, Canadian singer Justin Bieber.

They have been together for a long time. They are regarded as a perfect couple. They have been paid close attention to by the media after they bke up and reunited many times, In the end, Serena decided to be single and focus on her music carer, yinuzuowencn.

As we all know, Serena started as an actress, she played many les in Disney World movies, which ed her win many agers' fans. But Selena has a talent in music, and she also has a unique voice, so she be to focus on her music, which she is now Day has achid great success, her music has been favored by people fm all over the world, Serena is a very talented girl, she is also very succesul career.




New starting point and new joney[ nju:di ˈ: t ʃ] [Nu D ˈˈ RT ɚ] she made a real new start in her last novel, a new beginning for NATO and Russia.


新起点和新旅程科学党政新起点[nju:diˈ:tʃə][nu dɪˈrtʃɚ]她在她最后一部小说《新开始》中做出了真正新出发这是北约和新开始。

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