
发布时间:2023-04-20 06:20:01 阅读:101 点赞:0

关于”绝望主妇观后感“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Desperate Housewives。以下是关于绝望主妇观后感xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Desperate Housewives

The most important thing is that it symbolizes in the st way that there are no shortcuts and cheaters in the world. The only winner is that they beli in what they do and don't want to repeat the story, becse it really looks at the pcess very well, and Huiyi people lgh frequently, The whole atmosphere is very relaxed. After leaving this movie, it is very thentic, and it is not interpreted by Westerners at all.

No matter which story or emotion is conveyed, no matter what picte or details are, all the way to the East. The only special thing that may be special is modern words, such as yes.




Just run: "Mr. Forrest Gump has his own persrance. He continues to run for no reason.

He just runs. He says: people don't look forward and will nr be bound by time. I appreciate that this is the meaning of my running.

Say goodbye to the past and don't walk in the same place. Although there are so many people in the world who are used to following others, few people can insist on one thing. Mr.

Forrest Gump has done it, and he has become a God Captain sedantan lost his legs in the Vietnam War. He said that his fate was like this. Howr, when he died in the war, Mr.

Forrest Gump saved him and let him svive after losing his legs. Dan was decadent and disgusted with life and complained that Forrest Gump should not save him. When he adjusted his mind and fished with Forrest Gump, he be to enjoy a good life and thank Forrest Gump for his The movie is intended to tell people that life is such a betiful character.

The rainbow is always behind the cloud. The key point is whether we have a good mentality and an opportunity to change o bad situation. The movie also sends us such a message: do what we should do well, and life will repay us well.

As long as we have persrance, there will be acles.




This weekend, three of my fo children and I went to see the film, and we hope it won't drag us becse we've been reading this book for a long time. My eldest son and I know that it's a long story and there's a lot to tell. Although there may be traps to make it drag, we're glad they found a good way to connect rything together oothly Instead of losing the spit they left in the book, we really enjoyed the third HP movie, n though we found it attractive to the film sees.

It was a great movie, all of which was d and displayed on the big screen for o enjoyment. It's really great. We just want it to be shown in o invisible cinema, not on the standard screen Screen, not 10 stars.



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