
发布时间:2024-04-13 16:09:50 阅读:9 点赞:0

关于”我最喜欢模版“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My favote template。以下是关于我最喜欢模版中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote template

The devil is in the details. It is often said that the devil is the details. Nothing is real than this.

The little things we talk about are just the cse of great things. They are the beginning, they are the embryo, they are the starting point, generally speaking, determine the whole fute of existence. A single black spot could be the beginning of grene, a storm, a revolution.

Therefore, we should nr neglect this point, and nr be stin with extra efforts. That extra few minutes, the best thing you can do, no matter what other people think, is the most important thing. Howr, in o own opinion, if we iore the details, we will nr be the best.

We will cut corners, shirk responsibilities, and nr iore all things.






With the dlopment of science and technolo, there are many examples of transportation aund the world: cars, bicycles, aies and so on. They make o life convenient and convenient. Howr, I am very interested in cycling.

Cycling is a good way to ptect the envinment and save gasoline resoces. It can not only solve a lot of traffic pblems, but also a good way to exercise and keep healthy. I like cycling.

Compared with all kinds of transportation, I prefer flying. Maybe some people think that flying is the most dangeus travel ute. They suggest that trains save money and ship transportation is cheap Fm my point of view, we trade comfort for safety by train.

Similarly, we trade time for cheap, while transportation is dangeus, and flying is comfortable and fast. In this case, I choose to fly as my best choice.




My favote band is a Korean boy band. They have a total of members and are divided into to bands on average. Exom stands for exomancian and exok stands for exokorea.

When they are separated, they are o bands. When they are together, they are a complete band. I like them not only becse they are betiful, but also becse they are very talented and dance, sing, rap, and n things that have nothing to do with their career.

They are very good to the fans, and they also respect their songs. My favote song is my mother. The boys are well trained in Entertainment.

They have made a lot of efforts for their dreams.



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