
发布时间:2024-03-01 02:54:36 阅读:86 点赞:0

关于”调查报告“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:investigation report。以下是关于调查报告高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:investigation report

Sports pgram is the most popular pgram among students. When it comes to talk shows, only half of the students like it and half of them don't like it. Students show that they can't stand it, so this is the result.




The neork advantages of middle school students are: they can baden their hozons, forei exchange can pmote the dlopment of personality, young people can pmote academic students, we can get the la dynamic education, but the Internet also has many shortcomings, for example: online information is unn, there are good and bad, often access to the Internet those scattered but not atic knowledge, not only impve the ability of students, but also can Becse of the continuous degeneration, many middle school students suffer fm psychological diseases such as "information anxiety" becse they can't deal with redundant information, which has infinite attraction. Therefore, a large number of middle school students are addicted to the Internet.




Recently, we and o clasates made a report about the place of o city. Here are the results of o svey. First of all, I will report on the best places in the city.

The best radio station is easy to listen to FM radio. It plays the most interesting music. It becomes the best super becse of its high-quality goods.

The popular cinema is the people's theater, becse it has the most comfortable seats. These are the worst places students choose. The worst radio station is the old song FM station, becse it plays very bad music.

The best cinema we sveyed was in town, becse its was the least fendly.




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