介绍大学的英语作文_introduce 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-25 04:49:05 阅读:120 点赞:0



Australia, the largest country in Oceania, is located on the south coast of the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 10000 square kilometers and a population of than 10000. Most of the population live in the east coast of the country. Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a betiful city.

Sydney is the largest city in Australia. The opera house is very famous all over the world. The Olympic Games are held in Sydney.




Located at the eastern end of the city hall, nearest to England, is the Tudor coat of arms, which was used ding the rei of Elizabeth I. Shakespeare made his first great success in this peod. The following "coat of arms" is a poem about Shakespeare wtten by David garcactor, playwght, theatre and supplicant of 18th centy English drama.

Please tn to the inscption page listed on the left.


位于东端,离英国最近,是都铎时代英国盾徽这是伊丽莎白一世时期使用盾徽,在这一时期取得了第一次伟大成。下面《盾形纹章》是18世纪英国戏剧传奇人物大卫·加里卡克托(David Garckactor),剧作家,剧院经理和恳求者一首关于诗一段话,请转到左边列出碑文页。


The Arctic fox, also known as the white fox, arctic fox or snow fox, is a all fox native to the Arctic region of the northern hemisphere and is common thughout the Arctic tundra. Its biological community is well adapted to cold conditions. It has a deep, thick f, bwn in summer and white in winter, ranging in len fm to cm, and is usually und in shape to minimize the escape of body heat.

The Arctic fox preys on any all animal such as lemmings, voles, spotted seal pups, fish, waterfowl and seabirds. It also eats caron, beres, seaweed, insects and other all invertebrates. Arctic foxes form monogamous paings ding the breeding season, where they stay together to occasionally raise their young in complex undergund nests, and other family members may assist in raising the cubs.




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