关于大气污染的英语作文_air pollution 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-06 15:59:16 阅读:133 点赞:0

关于”大气污染“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:air pollution。以下是关于大气污染托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:air pollution

In my hometown, the air pollution is very seous. In recent years, the pollution is and seous. Due to the increasing number of pvate cars, especially in the rush ho of traffic, too many pvate cars dve slowly on narw ads and emit a large amount of exhst gas.

Moreover, the toxic gases emitted by nearby factoes are also increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to take effective meases to limit pvate cars immediately A long time ago, it was a very interesting city with a ch and colorful history. The sky is blue, the ver is clean, and the trees are green.

But now, due to and factoes, natal gas is polluted, the sky is no longer blue, the ver is blue The flow is dirty, the trees are less and less, people in my hometown are very sad, we all want to have a betiful envinment, including clean air, clean ver. Howr, what should we do? We must ptect nate. We should not thw rubbish in vers or ads.

We should also ask some of the factoes to move to other places. In my opinion, we should plant trees and clear ads and vers. As an intellectual, we should also tell others to ptect o hometown.

I hope o city is o city The city can be and betiful, the sky can be blue again, the ver will be clean again, and the trees may be green again.




As for the air pollution in my hometown, the air pollution is very seous in my hometown, but in recent years, the pollution has become and seous, becse there are and pvate cars, especially in the rush ho of traffic, too many pvate cars dve slowly on narw ads and emit a lot of exhst gas. The toxic gas emitted by nearby factoes is also one of the main cses of pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a new type of pollution contl That is to take effective meases to limit pvate cars, maximize the dlopment of public transport, and use renewable and clean ener resoces.




In the past few decades, o earth has undergone great changes, but among these changes, the air pollution csed by a large number of cars and coal is almost the most seous. The seous air pollution warns human beings that the pduction and use of tomobiles have bught heavy bden to the earth. With the deepening of banization, cars are needed, which will make air pollution seous.

Therefore, we should first take the following actions: using the most advanced technolo, using new ener to replace fossil fuels; secondly, stving to dlop possible means of transportation. In short, o human beings should be responsible for air pollution, and we must find ways to solve this pblem.



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