英语我的梦想作文50字_My dream 50 words 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-27 03:50:57 阅读:158 点赞:0

关于”我梦想50字“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My dream 50 words。以下是关于我梦想50字xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My dream 50 words

My name is Chen Jie, Im years old, hi is very fendly to ryone, so many people like me, I like English very much, I like sports very much. English bngs me a lot of fun. Sports make me happy.

I like this sentence: nothing is impossible, so I always try my best to do rything I can, nr give up easily. It's me. I hope to make fends with all of you.




My dream is to be a musician. When I was a child, I was and nr thought about my ideal now. When my clasates asked me, "what is yo ideal", I would answer confidently, "my dream is to be a singer".

I often see those singers singing passionately on the stage with their betiful songs accompanied by wonderful music Love like a child, skip the notes are accompanied by my side, engraved in my mind, I am deeply intoxicated in music, forget the world, forget myself, I always have music with it, become my inseparable fend faile, when setbacks, I nr fear it, becse the ideal musician always reminds me: now I am so far away fm the ideal, the ad ahead is still Very bumpy, full of firm belief to overcome rything, when I am tired, as long as one day music rely on, I forget what is tired early.




"Xmen" is a sees of superhe films, based on the fictional superhe team in Marvel's cartoon universe. Its story focuses on the conflict beeen o gups of mutants with super ability and mutant btherhood. The main characters of normal humans in the film include Wolvene (Hugh Jackman Pfessor Patck, the film is pduced by Centy Fox, and has a global box office) The rnue is as high as US dollars.



标签: 宠物英文名 

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