
发布时间:2023-12-15 10:04:30 阅读:34 点赞:0

关于”介绍名人“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduce celeies。以下是关于介绍名人雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce celeies

Sima Qian, emper of the Han Dynasty, reestablished the importance of learning and encoaged the creation of new works. By the time the first ancient book bning books be to reappear, Sima Qian undertook the task of wting a complete Chinese history. He was involved in an incident that almost cost his life.

He dared to cticize the emper and the judge sentenced him to death. This sentence was demoted as castration. Sima Qian was determined to continue his great cse.

Sima Qian wte sral chapters in his book histocal records, which recorded the history of the first three dynasties in China.




Yao Ming is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He be to play basketball at the age of nine, and showed his natal sports talent when he became a member of the national basketball team fo years later. As the second Chinese player, he entered the NBA with a height of meters and excellent basketball skills.

He played a key le in the team and scored a lot in the . In his spare time, although he has made great achiments, he likes playing comr s and entertainment. He is not art at all.

He is always polite to others. As a versatile person in sports and morality, Yao Ming is not only the idol of agers, but also the pde of China.




Beethoven is one of the grea musicians in Germany. Born in a civilian family in Bonn, Germany, she showed her musical talent for a long time. In the 1980s, when he was a graduate student in Vienna, she belid in Beethoven's republicani and advocated hei.

In many times, her creative spit was full of excellent works, such as symphony he, prelude to fate, ele, Pathetique and moonlight《 Storm and passion were deaf fm the beginning, and then completely deaf in his old age. Only by talking about the lonely life and his silence and not reting. In the era when all pgressive thoughts were impsoned by feudali, he still adhered to the political belief of " and equality", cheered for the republican ideal thugh words and works, and d the immortal Symphony No.

9 Influenced by the enlightenment movement of the centy and the distinct personality of German stng, his works have greatly dloped compared with those of his predecessors. He participated in almost all music schools, greatly impved the ll of piano performance, and oained the effect of symphony. Symphony is an important music form which directly reflects the social change.

It not only d great classical music, but also opened up the mantic The ad of Yi music plays an important le in the dlopment of world music and is known as the "saint of music".



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