我的一周英语作文_My week 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-30 05:35:42 阅读:284 点赞:0

关于”我一周“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My week。以下是关于我一周高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My week

Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm going to have a busy weekend on Satday, and then I'm going to do my homework. I'm going to buy a book about Harry Potter.

It's my favote book. I've got a lot of Harry Potter posters after lunch. I'm going to visit my grandparents and play with my cousins.

Denise and Alice are very active. Denise likes singing. Alice likes drawing I often play hide and seek in the ning.

I will my mother clean the house. I like to my mother do housework. My mother always says that I am a good girl.

After that, I will read a book about Harry Potter. That book will be very interesting on Sunday. I will go to Qinghui garden to see stamp collecting.

I like stamp collecting. I have stamps in the ning. I want to go back to school.

What are you going to do on the weekend.




I went to the zoo on Monday and the shop on Tuesday. On Wednesday I play with my fends. I bought a big ice cream on Wednesday and saw a movie on Thsday.

On Fday I climbed a hill and de a horse. On Satday, I saw a big shark and talked to a part. On Sunday, I gave a monkey a banana and took a lot of pictes.

I painted masks and fished the pond. I was busy but happy.






I'm going to the library after school on Monday becse I want to find some useful books on Tuesday. I'm going swimming with my Fday on Tuesday becse I want to try something different on Tuesday. On Thsday, I'm going to play ball s with my bther, becse I have a lot of time to study on Thsday.

I'm going to read my book with my mother. I haven't seen her for a long time. On Fday, I'm going to the super to my mother buy some things she needs.

On Sunday, I'm going to travel. I was born in March, so March is my birthday. I've started to hold birthday parties ry year Birthday party last Satday, I had my birthday party at home.

"I bought me a birthday present," they said, "thank you very much for the gift. My mother made my birthday cake and made some delicious food. My fend ed me put candles on the big cake, and then we started the party.

That day we sang songs, played s and ate delicious food. I was so happy.




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