
发布时间:2024-02-16 07:42:17 阅读:66 点赞:0

关于”低碳生活方式“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Low carbon lifestyle。以下是关于低碳生活方式中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Low carbon lifestyle

Today, and people enjoy low-carbon life, becse it means lower cost, healthier and safer. I think we should do it by hand, not by washing machine. We should use less plastic bags when we go shopping in the super.

If we're away for a long time, we should also cut down on comrs, and we can go to school by bike or bus. Low carbon life is near us. You know what to do to let us enjoy o own green life.





Today, and people enjoy low-carbon life, becse it means lower cost, healthier and safer. I think we should do it by hand, not by washing machine. We should use less plastic bags when we go shopping in the super.

If we're away for a long time, we should also cut down on comrs, and we can go to school by bike or bus. Low carbon life is near us. You know what to do to let us enjoy o own green life.





At present, a new way of life called low carbon life is populazing in ry corner of o country. Low carbon is the concept of low ener consumption and no waste. This is a very important .

I can't wait to put forward my idea on how to set up Nocardia day in o school first, becse cars are not only csing seous air pollution, but also wasting ener. Students and teachers are not allowed to dve to school. They are only allowed to walk, jump or run.

Second, we'd better not use plastic bags any . No one can tolerate white pollution, so it's better to use reusable bags again and again. We should remember that ry big nt comes fm the details.

Therefore, as students, we should tn off the lights when we leave, tn off the tap in time, reuse o textbooks and so on. In short, this is the top poty for all of us. To put a low-carbon lifestyle into practice, just make up yo mind that there will be no plastic bags and no garbage on this day.

Let's start now.




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