
发布时间:2023-11-03 05:58:02 阅读:171 点赞:0

关于”介绍朋友家庭“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduce a fend's family。以下是关于介绍朋友家庭初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce a fend's family

There are fo people in my family. My parents, my tubles and my family are all very good. I am really glad that my bther is shy and funny.

He is good at sports and plays volleyball very well. But he hates studying and his grades are very poor. He likes to tell jokes.

He always makes fun of his fends and family. He always makes us lgh. My father is a doctor.

He works in a hospital in Sanya. He doesn't like watching TV But he likes to read newspapers. He reads newspapers ry night.

My mother is a waiter. She works in restaants. She has good habits.

She likes to eat vegetables and dnk milk ry day. But I don't like milk. It's terble.

She likes to watch Beijing. She says that opera in her spare time is good for her to keep young. It can make her relax.

My family are always doing the best thing for me. They always stand When my father bke the window, he always told me that he and I didn't care about him when he bke the window Instead of scolding me, he praised my honesty and encoaged me to apologize to my neighbors. I learned fm this episode that dad not only takes care of o health, but also teaches us how to be good citizens.

How lucky I am to have such a good father.




There are fo people in my family. My parents, my tubles and my family are very good. I'm really glad that my bther is shy and funny.

He is good at sports and volleyball. But he hates studying. His grades are very poor.

He likes to tell jokes. He always makes fun of his fends and my family. He always makes fun of us.

My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital in Sanya. He doesn't like it Watch TV, but he likes reading newspapers.

He reads newspapers ry night. My mother is a waiter. She works in a restaant.

She has good habits. She likes to eat vegetables and dnk milk ry day, but I don't like milk. It's terble.

She likes to watch Beijing Opera in her spare time. She said it's good for her to keep young, it can make her relax. My family always do the best thing for me, always stand by my side.

I love ryone in my family. I love my warm and warm home. Spng Festival is the most important festival in China.

I like spng festival very much becse I can set off firecrackers dung the Spng Festival. My parents also give me some money becse the money is given to me for my parents Good luck. I can use this money to buy a lot of things for myself.

I can buy betiful new clothes. I can buy some interesting things to eat.





My family and fends I have a very good family. I have fo members. My father, my mother, my bther and my father are a hotel .

He works very hard ry day. My mother is a doctor. She works very hard.

Too many patients love her. They respect her very much. My bther is a worker.

He works in a factory. He goes to work early and comes home late I study harder and harder. I am a good student and I love my family.



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