
发布时间:2023-03-19 17:46:25 阅读:126 点赞:0

关于”描述爱情经历“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Descbe a love expeence。以下是关于描述爱情经历xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe a love expeence

An unforgettable expeence in my life, there are many expeences I can't forget. I still remember what happened last year. It was tree planting day.

As soon as we got to Lu Xun Park, we went to plant trees. We started to work. Some were digging holes, others were planting trees.

We all worked hard to plant trees, becse we all know that trees are the best anti pollution agent. They are very useful for human beings. When the sun goes down, we are very tired but reluctant to go home.

We feel very happy It's my first time to do something meaningful to ptect the envinment.




2:描述一段爱情经历,Fm the beginning of a ile, a kiss, to the gwth of a tear, when you fall in love with a person rather than another loved one, it is a kind of injy, but the most painful thing is that there is no one else, it is the person you love, and have the coage to let him know how you feel. The best fend is the kind of person you can sit on the swing and can't talk, and then leave together quietly, feeling that it's nr the best It's true that you nr know what you have until you lose time. More truly, you will nr know what you have directly lost his time to meet a person who only takes one minute to enjoy.

As long as a word, you can fall in love with a person with only one person in one's time for one day, but those who want to forget must find a time for life and dream for themselves Think, go to yo own place, what they want to do, becse you have only one life and one chance to do these things. Try to put yoself in each other's position. When you feel ht, he may also be ht.

The hst people in the world don't need to have all the best, but it's a sad thing to let most of the things they need come to yo life Love when you meet someone who is full of meaning, but you finally find that careless words will lead to a fierce war of words. A word will desty yo life. The love in this sentence is infinite happiness and blessing.

Love starts with a ile, a kiss, ends with a tear. When you are born, you cry a person, and rything is iling beside you, so please Live yo life, when you die, when ryone aund you is crying, and you just lgh at you.


从一开始微笑,一个吻,到一滴泪成长,当你爱上一个人而不是另一个被爱人,是一种伤害,但最痛苦是没有别人,正是你爱人,并有勇气让他知道你感受最好朋友是那种你可以坐在秋千上,不会说话人,一起悄悄离开,感觉是从来没有最好对话这是真你永远不知道你有什么,直到你失去时间,更真实你永远不会知道什么直接失去他时间来遇到一个只用一分钟时间享受人,只要一句话就可以在一个人时间爱上一个只有一个人人一天,但要忘记人必须找到一个人生时间,为自己梦想去想,去自己地方,他们想做事情因为你只有一次生命和一次机会去做这些事情试着把自己放在彼此位置上,当你感到时候他也有可能受到伤害,世上最幸福人不需要拥有所有最好,而只是让所需大多数事情都降临到你生命中是一件悲伤事情当你遇到一个你充满意义人时,但你终于找到了说话不小心会导致一场激烈口水战一句话会毁了你一生,这句话里爱是无限快乐和祝福爱从一开始一个微笑,一个吻成长,用一滴眼泪结束当你出生时候你哭了一个人,而一切都在旁边笑,所以请活出你生命,当你时候,当你身边人都在哭泣,而你只会嘲笑你 。


3:描述爱情经历,First of all, I am very happy to intduce my English, my name is XXX, I come fm China, this is a very betiful, interesting and great place, I love my motherland, but my hometown is in China's xxx Pvince, becse of my personality, I am a very active and positive girl, I like to talk and communicate with others, you can see that I am very tall, I have long hair, I like Happy to wear XXX, I like to eat XXX. About my habits, I sometimes like to play table tennis and baseball. I sing a song and wte some articles.

I think these hobbies are very good for me at school / University. I often take part in vaous activities that can me impve.



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