
发布时间:2023-01-26 10:24:28 阅读:105 点赞:0

关于”以家乡为话题加“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Plus with hometown as the topic。以下是关于以家乡为话题加高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Plus with hometown as the topic

>&Walt Disney: Although Walt Disney is dead, the world will not forget him soon. Mickey Mouse and all his fends at Disneyland will us remember him. He: my favote "centy" is very popular with students and English learners.

I love it > > > I love my mother: This is my mother, a kind and hardworking woman will always respect and love her > > > a cw and a jar, now the water is up, the cw can reach it. Finally, one day's harvest night came. We put down o sickles and looked at each other.

O clothes were soaked with sweat, but there was a ile on each face.




My hometown my hometown is Haimen. It's not very big, but it's very betiful. The air pollution in Haimen is less than that in other areas of Nantong.

There is a betiful park called Dongzhou park. You can exercise and walk in Haimen. There are about one million people living in apartments in Haimen.

They are not very tall. There is a super here. Its name is times super.

It has three floors. It has a very large floor Many things, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, electcal appliances stores and bookstores. There are many hot pot shops in Haimen.

I think the old house hot pot shop is my favote place to eat hot pot. Haimen has a lot of delicious food. There is a TV Tower.

It is very high and betiful at night. I think there are many betiful lights on the TV Tower. The weather in Haimen is very good.

The warm birds fly in the sky in spng. The flowers are betiful. It's hot in summer.

We tn on the air conditioner ry day. It's cool in tumn. It's cold in winter.

Do you like my hometown.




Love to us is like water to fish. No one can leave love life. We were born in it.

We should know that love is a pceless gift. We should chesh it. There is a saying: the fas way to accept love is to give it the fas way, and the way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.

The best way to keep love is to give it wings. It's important that we learn to make love the first class in o life,.



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