
发布时间:2023-04-27 10:20:36 阅读:57 点赞:0

关于”是重要“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Is important。以下是关于是重要初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Is important

My English teacher is Mr. Xu. His English name is Martin.

His English is very good. He always wears a pair of glasses. He likes to wear blue tusers.

My teacher is very handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English.

His hobby is reading. Mr. Xu likes dnking coke and eating french fes.

Sometimes he is angry about us. Sometimes he is nghty becse we are good. Mr.

Xu is very good It's so cool. We all like him.




As we all know, water is necessary for life, and it is very important to all of us. Howr, the amount of water in the world is limited. In fact, millions of people all over the world are suffeng fm water shortage.

Therefore, as middle school students, saving water is a life and death issue. What should we do first? We should not waste a way to reduce water resoces and reduce water use is to shorten the shower Another way to take a bath is to tn off the tap when brushing yo teeth or washing yo hands. Second, we should save water.

The waste water fm the kitchen can be used to water the flowers or clean the toilet. Dear students, we should remember that saving water is ryone's responsibility. Let's work hard for a better fute fm now on.




Today, Diana de la, a Facebook fend about the U.S. Census on earth's sky We asked Mark Mather, deputy director of Population Reference Be, how census workers count homeless people and immigrants who may be afraid of being deported. Mark Mather, deputy director of Population Reference Be, told us how census workers counted homeless people.

Mark mather: the main method they use is to spend some time in shelters and people who pvide s for the homeless They collect information about the homeless people they also go to, street locations, and try to count the people who live on the street, and for those who they don't identify in the desiated places, they call these places counting centers, trying to get people in and fill out forms.


今天,一个关于人口普查地球天空Facebook朋友,戴安娜·德拉拉拉塔(Diana de la Llata)问题问:人口普查如何统计无家可归人和可能害怕被驱逐出境移民,我们问了马克·马瑟,人口参考局副局长他告诉我们,人口普查如何统计无家可归人马克·马瑟:他们使用主要方法是花一段时间到收容所和为无家可归者提供服务人那里收集有关他们也去指定无家可归人口街道位置,并试着计算居住在街道上人,对于那些他们没有在指定地点识别人,他们把这些地方称为计数中心,试图让人们进来填写表格。

标签: 男孩子英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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