
发布时间:2024-01-21 08:31:46 阅读:336 点赞:0

关于”描写食堂“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Descbe the can。以下是关于描写食堂专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe the can

O school restaant is a good place to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, becse there are many trees, flowers and so on. If I have a chance to express my views to students in other schools, I will tell them about o school's restaant, so come to o school and try to eat the food in the restaant. You will love it.




When I entered the University, it was different fm middle school. The most different thing was that we had too much free time. So in my opinion, how should we make full use of this free time? We should first try to find a part-time job on the one hand, and on the other hand, we can increase o working expeence.

We can also make some money to reli the family presse, let alone go out with fends Playing is also a good way to kill time. We can recover o spits after studying and have better conditions when we go back to study. I think the last thing is that we can do some sports activities, such as mountain climbing, jogging aund the University, or just walking in the street.

Life is short. Enjoy it. We have a lot of activities to do in o school.

We just want to make yo college life colorful and betiful. 2. We all eat in the school restaant, so food has an impact on o health.

Let me first talk about o school restaant. Compared with other food, the food tastes good and healthy. The vegetables are clean.

I've nr seen any dirt or worms. Not only the food, but also the is very good. Don't speak to me in a loud and rude way, but I have one complaint, that is, the pce is too expensive and the vaety is few.

I have to waste a lot of time waiting for us to be students. This is a gup with no money or much money. The pce is too expensive for us.

Now is the time when we need kinds of food to pvide nuttion. So I hope the school leaders can see this situation and find out Thank you very much for the solution.





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