
发布时间:2024-01-31 10:18:34 阅读:37 点赞:0

关于”怎么提高题目“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:How to impve the pblem。以下是关于怎么提高题目xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to impve the pblem

Now, o envinment is getting worse and worse. It does affect people's life, study and work. On the other hand, o life, work and pduction are polluting the envinment in a very seous way.

As far as I'm concerned, how can we save o envinment? First of all, when air pollution is one of the most important concerns of all governments, we need to stop cutting willows to save the natal cycle, we need to pay attention to the sewage discharged fm factoes. Finally, we need to pay attention to o own actions, becse white pollution is almost rywhere. Obviously, saving the envinment is ryone's shoulder.

We need to call on all citizens to let them know the importance of saving o planet.





In recent years, there are still many pblems in envinmental ptection. One of the most seous pblems is the seous pollution of air, water and soil. The polluted air does great harm to people's health.

The polluted water will lead to disease and death. With the rapid dlopment of modern cities, in order to ptect the envinment, vegetation has been greatly reduced. Many governments have taken many legislative meases To contl air pollution, ptect forest and mane resoces, and stop any envinmental pollution, in my opinion, the government plays the most important le in today's envinmental ptection.

In order to ptect the envinment, the government must first take specific meases. Secondly, it should make people fully aware of the importance of envinmental ptection thugh education. We should make greater efforts to implement population planning Policy, becse people means people mean pollution.

Finally, those who deliberately desty the envinment should be srely punished. We should let them know that destying the envinment is destying human beings themselves.




Envinmental impvement is important to government officials, scientific researchers and ordinary citizens. Although this issue has been discussed and studied for a long time, it is not correct to say that I think an agreement has been reached. The favorable step to impve the overall envinment of o city is: first of all, the general planner must put forward a comprehensive dlopment plan so that all fute pjects can be coordinated In order to impve the quality of air and water, the pportion of green must be greatly increased.

Last but not least, in the era of rapid economic dlopment, ordinary citizens should join in the action to ptect the envinment and fight against all acts of polluting their homes. Envinmental pblems are closely related to ry citizen in the city. Before all of us take action to build, ptect and ptect the envinment, we nr want to realize o dream A cleaner and betiful envinment.



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