
发布时间:2024-03-03 05:06:42 阅读:165 点赞:0

关于”经济方面“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Economic aspect。以下是关于经济方面专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Economic aspect

Hainan economic zone is located in the south of China. It is the largest special economic zone in China and the youngest pvince in the past ten years. The economic zone has dloped rapidly in many aspects.

It has built comfortable residential areas, built expressways, built modern ports and airports. As a famous "natal greenhouse", Hainan has many advantages in tpical agculte, such as litchi Hainan is also a scenic spot and will soon become a resort. Hainan Economic Zone has a bght fute.




Histocal changes and social dlopment have endowed Huludao with a large number of cultal reli and natal landscapes. The world-famous "nine gate Great Wall" and "the second Beidaihe" Xingcheng City, as well as the Jieshi Palace site (the ght picte shows the Forbidden City inspected by Emper Qin Shihuang and Emper Wu of Han Dynasty in the Eastern inspection, which is comparable to the northern Beijing Palace Museum and the great wall of Shengshui temple in terms of archaeological value. They all exist in Huludao area and are close to nate Together with the scenic spots, they have formed their own charactesti, known as "antique, betiful and delicious".




In the traditional concept, after a girl gets mared, she should quit her job, become a housewife and take care of ry housework. But in modern society, some girls no longer accept the old rules. They go to work and remain financially independent.

Every girl's dream is to marry a pnce. That is to say, they have found an ideal partner. In other words, in the eyes of most people, girls no longer need to work and can stay at home to enjoy life.

This sounds like a perfect choice for girls, but it is a fact It's not that girls are stumbling at home and isolated fm the outside world, so there won't be any common topic beeen her and her huand, becse no money, no words to earn money will make girls independent and have the ght to make decisions. Although girls do not earn much money, many girls realize that the importance of economic independence makes girls confident and maintain their charm.



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