
发布时间:2023-06-12 03:27:35 阅读:111 点赞:0

关于”天赋版“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Gifted version。以下是关于天赋版初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gifted version

Hello ryone, let me tell you something about o school's "cleaning up the dishes". We eat lunch in the can ry day. We can usually see why some students don't eat the food on the plate.

Why? Becse they eat food than they need or the food is not delicious. I think it's bad, becse it's a big waste of food. This month, o school asked me We clean the dishes.

Everyone should finish o food. Don't waste it. If we all obey the rules, the school will be better and better.




I am a third year Master of tomation major in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. I am interested in industal engineeng. I am wting to apply for yo doctoral education backgund.

Ding my undergraduate study, I entered Nanjing University of science and Technolo (NUST), which is widely considered to be one of the best engineeng schools in China. My academic performance maintained a pminent position in the whole department. I was awarded the first-class met, with awards ry semester.

Ding the postgraduate study peod, I was lucky to enter the postgraduate cose. Ding my postgraduate study peod, my total average score was oained/ As the only candidate of this department, I won Acer scholarship, which is the highest honor for outstanding students in my school. I am prepang my graduation thesis and stving for the honor of excellent graduation thesis.

When I was a sopho, I joined the artificial intelligence association, and I used OpenGL and MATLAB tools to desi A simulation pgram of transportation scheduling is desied, which has been widely used by different research gups in Nanjing University. I have assumed and completed the wastewater ysis and treatment pject of Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This is the first time that I have tranormed the laboratory concept into a commercial pduct.

Looking back on the past, I found that I have a solid foundation in theory and expeence, which is ready for my fute doctoral research pject. My fute research directions include: neork scheduling pblem, heistic algothm research (special topic) The other is the research of GA and neal neork supply chain neork, the performance ysis of hybd based on Pet net and data mining.




A possible Student Version: Dear editor, I'm wting to tell you about my svey on the use of paper cards or e-cards in o class. First, students want to use paper cards. These cards are handmade.

Second, they can show people's real feelings. They are easy to carry and can be stored for a long time. People can read them without comrs, About half of the students like to use electnic business cards.

Electnic business cards can carry a lot of information. People can send them quickly. Using electnic business cards can save paper and ptect the envinment.

In my opinion, people can make all kinds of desis they like. I prefer eCards. Sending eCards is convenient, cheap and easy to save in my comr,.



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