
发布时间:2022-11-10 05:22:51 阅读:142 点赞:0

关于”压力和解决方案“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Stress and Solutions。以下是关于压力和解决方案专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Stress and Solutions

In China, the one-child policy makes and parents pay and attention to their children. They are willing to do anything for their children, including study, work and n marage. This concept has bught many pblems to the gwth of children.

O parents should learn to their children to be independent. There are some suggestions for o parents. First of all, o parents should realize that their children will gw up and have their own ideas and ideas over time.

Therefore, children should be encoaged to make decisions on their own so that they can psue what they want, which will also contbute to solving what we call GAPO (∩) OO (∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O.





That day, I went home fm school. After finishing my homework, I got my diary according to the Convention. Suddenly, I found that the diary had been moved away.

I suddenly became angry. I wanted to know that it was them. I came out of the bedom and asked them if they saw my diary.

They said it was legal, not ryone knew me. It was their obligation. I couldn't take it any.

I just wanted to have a blue sky, Why do you take it so selfishly? You want to know that I come back to my om and feel that I have nothing. Alas, why do my parents always want to know that we have gwn up, we don't want us to have o own ideas, alas, so cruel.




As a good student, I have a good performance, which is also my first regret: enteng high school is the key point. I know this very well, so I don't mind that I don't have time to play. But my parents arrange a lot of sports for me ry day, n if it's tvial.

I can understand their hope, but I'm not a tool. I need to the second point In the teacher's opinion, good grades are very important. You should keep good grades, but if you make some mistakes, you must also have good performance.

Yo good grades will be the third: "then he is good grades", "watching children is abusing his power". I often hear this sentence. I just want to ask: good performance is sin, dear clasates, we are fair to fight for oselves, you just don't do you Why cse? Why can you me get d of my pain.



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