
发布时间:2024-02-16 13:17:52 阅读:205 点赞:0

关于”影响我一件事“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:One thing that affects me。以下是关于影响我一件事考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One thing that affects me

I was moved to say that a few days ago, my mother was ill and lay in bed ry day. I looked at it. At noon, my father bought a chicken, and my mother made soup.

My stomach was early in the "cuckoo" call. At this time, mother got up, and father took a bowl of soup for mother to dnk. I saw that my mother did not eat, and my father gave her a bowl of soup.

In fnt of my face, he said faintly, "eat" me At that moment, I was moved and tears would flow out. But I said, "no", yo concern was deeply impnted in my heart. Yo love is not a great silent love.




One thing I hate the most is that the exam is near. The three-day quiz and the five-day final exam are getting tired. Today, the first lesson is Chinese class.

A Chinese teacher came in, holding a pile of Chinese papers in his hand and said, "today's Chinese class 2 exam", o class couldn't sob, and Baiye had a hard struggle with the topic , finally liberated, + ×, r2h × 6  ̄ 2 the third class is math class, teacher, yo fnt foot just came in and fainted all of us. Why, the math teacher took a pile of math papers and said with a ile: "the exam is coming soon, today's headphone ." well, X has another und of stng ohmic stren in the afternoon. This is physical education class.

I think you can play and relax. I haven't After class, the English teacher took over and said, "students, this class is going to English and , and" Sports "in the news like a loud noise, o mood suddenly fell to the bottom, filled with anger sitting on the seat Oh, God, how hard ah, what" stng "," thin "tired unbearable, ah, finally arved at school, hee hee, may go home to play air conditioning, playing comr cough Coughing up, the teacher in charge of the class suddenly said carelessly, "today's homework, Chinese , mathemati, English certificate examination, homework is not much, please do it with yo heart." what's , the teacher who died in the exam today ced loudly one by one. What's , we didn't want to sleep the next night.

We came to the school with panda eyes, and the teacher's first sentence in class It's: "students have a quiz today." Oh, my God, I hate exams.



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