
发布时间:2023-05-10 11:40:16 阅读:70 点赞:0

关于”给爸一封信“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A letter to my parents。以下是关于给爸一封信高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter to my parents

Dear mother, this is the first time that I wte to you in English, so I think I should say thank you, you gave me life, you bught me into the world, sometimes I may make you angry, becse I did not adjust my mistakes, but I beli I will not do this again, I think I have gwn up, I must be able to distinguish the true fm the false, mother, you are the world You are the most important person in my life. The love you give me is the grea love in the world. My dear mother, I have to stop here becse my vocabulary is limited.

I will wte letters later. Then I can wte a longer letter to you. Thank you again, my dear mother, yo son, great,,.




Dear mom and Dad, Hello, I wte to you, thank you for bnging me up, and my fute plan. Dear mom and Dad, I am old, which shows that I have gwn up. Whenr I think of these, I can't but appreciate you.

It's you who give me encoagement when I encounter difficulties, especially when I don't study well It's a lamp. It gives me hope, coage and confidence. What's , you have been teaching me to be kind to others and try to contbute to o society.

Dear parents, I am now a senior three student. Facing the fierce competition of the national college entrance examination, first of all, I should try my best to pass the exam. I beli that thugh my efforts, I will be able to achi my goal of becoming one I will stve to become an independent youth.

The social situation I am facing must be competitive. Therefore, I will cultivate and prepare to be a youth with stng sense of cooperation and competition. Beli me, mom and Dad, I will make a difference and express my sincere greetings to you, Wang Hua.




Dear parents: how is rything going? I miss you very much in my new school. I'm very happy that my teachers and students are very fendly to me. They often me learn.

Now I don't worry about my English becse I have made great pgress in English, and I am and interested in it. My school life here is also very wonderful. I participated in a lot of spare time, where I made a lot of fends and learned a lot of learning method.

The final exam is coming. I'm busy prepang. I'll try my best to do well.

I am very happy that the summer vacation is coming. I want to join a green city gup. I think I should contbute to the ptection of o envinment.

It's very hot now, but I can take care of myself. You should pay attention to yo health. I wish you love you, yo Sxxx,,.




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