英语副词的用法总结_Usage Summary of adverbs 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-21 06:54:49 阅读:119 点赞:0

关于”副词用法总结“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Usage Summary of adverbs。以下是关于副词用法总结托福英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Usage Summary of adverbs

How to spend pocket money? Now and agers get pocket money fm their parents. Some students like to spend their money on playing comr s. Others like to use the money to buy pocket money.

I think it's a good way to spend money on study and good entertainment, such as buying some useful books, dictionaes, table tennis, mice, etc. if they use the money well It's good for them,.




Comrs have become very important in many fields of work and entertainment. There is no dou that comrs are very useful in technolo and commerce. Comrs astnts and pilots contl the speed and direction of craft flight with the of comrs.

Doctors can easily find diseases and solve other pblems, such as minor pblems in factoes and human bodies The comr makes people's heart beat faster. The bot contlled by comr can do harmful work to human beings. Comrs are also used in business activities and can cancel orders, the workplace safer and better.

The emergence of the Internet has changed people's life at home. More and people have personal comrs. They use them to play s and watch movies.

People can shop and do business at home, instead of wting letters on paper. People communicate thugh e-mail and online chat. The whole world is neorked.

Comrs make the world aller, just like "country". Comrs impve O life, but also bngs pblems, for example, if we work on the comr for too long, we may have a headache or sore eyes. If we play comr s too much, we will not be able to learn well and get enough exercise.

Although comrs us work and at home, we must use them correctly.




I am so happy today becse I have . My grandfather gave me . I must try to save it for university use.

Don't waste it. But I think I will allow myself to buy a new dress with part of it tomorw, and then I will deposit the rest in the bank.



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