关于friendship的英语作文_friendship 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-07 11:25:19 阅读:141 点赞:0



First of all, the most important thing in fendship is mutual respect. If a fend tells you a secret and asks you not to tell anyone, you should keep yo pmise. Second, a fend should be ready to each other.

A fend in need is a fend. If yo fend is in tuble, you should him with his weakness. You should point out that you should nr him cheat in the exam.




Last night, I played a football match with my fends. We were divided into o teams. The losing team would be punished.

My team lost and the score was very close. I'm sorry that my fends fm other teams came to comfort me. He said that we all did well.

I know that fendship comes first. Don't let the result affect o fendship.




Fendship is a necessary condition for the existence of society. People live in communities and work together so that they can ptect themselves fm the harm of nate. The success of any task requires the support of many people.

Willing to o fends, fendship is the most extensive sense of the guarantee of harmonious efforts, all people are fends, people live in a common society, fm their own point of view, have been directly or indirectly cooperate and each other, anyone can become fends of others to a certain extent, this kind of competition is worldwide, but it can make the society harmonious In modern society, people are so complicated that sometimes for vaous reasons, we don't know who is the real fend. Adversity is the touchstone of fendship, that is to say, in difficult times, no matter what happens, it is easy to whether fendship is true. A true fend will nr leave you and will always be with you.




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