介绍家乡特色的英语作文_Introduce the characteristics of hometown 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-15 03:15:25 阅读:189 点赞:0

关于”介绍家乡特“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Intduce the charactesti of hometown。以下是关于介绍家乡特高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce the charactesti of hometown

My hometown is Shangrao, which is a betiful city in Jiangxi Pvince. It is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Pvince. Jiangxi Pvince is a place sunded by mountains.

The weather in Shangrao is always cold and warm. The average temperate is beeen centigrade and centigrade. Shangrao city is famous for Sanqingshan Mountain and Poyang Lake.

Many people come to Shangrao and have a good joney. In addition, Wuyuan, the most betiful county in China, is also a magic toust attraction. We are building Sanqingshan airport.

In five years, we will invite tousts to Shangrao. Shangrao will welcome you to my hometown.




My hometown my hometown is a all village not far fm the Yangtze River. A ad goes thugh it to the nearest place. You can see the houses behind the green trees on both sides of the ad.

There are about people in the village. Most of them are fendly dung the busy farming season. Most of them do farm work in the fields.

Fruits are famous for their fruits. When summer comes, many businesen come here to buy them and me My hometown is becoming and betiful. I love my hometown very much.




Baoding, my hometown, is located in the south of Hebei Pvince. The weather here is usually dry and sunny in summer. We feel very hot, but in winter, the weather can make you very cold.

My home is the famous "Doni hambger". It is so delicious, becse it has a long history. Baoding has many famous scenic spots and histocal sites, such as ancient lotus flower bed and bell tower It's , kind and hospitable.

If you come to my house, I'll be happy to be yo guide.



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