制定计划的重要性英语作文_Importance of planning 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-11 11:25:24 阅读:319 点赞:0

关于”制定计划重要“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Importance of planning。以下是关于制定计划重要高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Importance of planning

The importance of English lies in the fact that most countes in the world use the language as a communication tool. For example, German and Chinese can't speak each other's language, but they all know English, so there will be no pblem in their language communication. We must realize the importance and study the language seously.

The key to learn English well is to recite words. Words are the bcks of language construction. Only by keeping them in mind can we them.

To learn English well, we need to listen to English radio and contact forei fends , so that we can practice listening and apply what we have learned.




We can't deny the importance of behavior no matter when, no matter where, under any circumstances. First of all, a polite person is generally considered to be trusorthy and easygoing, which s him to make fends and get the he needs. In addition, people are willing to show respect and cooperate with polite people, which bngs them many opportunities for change.

Most importantly, politeness s to reduce misunderstanding among people and pmote harmonious and happy relations.




Every year after the college entrance examination, many students complain about the English becse they have great difficulty in understanding grammar. Moreover, many foreiers try to take the exam. They find that there are many pblems in the , so many students begin to question the siificance of learning grammar.

In fact, good grammar does not mean that he can speak fluent English, but grammar is still not negligible. It s us to better communicate and make pgress as soon as possible when students want to study abad Students need to wte English mateals and grammar. If students can't present the official language in the mateals, they will be kicked.

So don't complain about grammar. Communication needs to be impved.



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