
发布时间:2023-10-14 14:03:23 阅读:57 点赞:0

关于”写一个想去哪旅行“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Wte about where you want to travel。以下是关于写一个想去哪旅行专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte about where you want to travel

If I have the last chance to travel to the United States, I would like to go to the United States. The United States is the most powerful country in the world. It is famous for its high technolo.

I've heard about bill since I was a child. Comrs have changed o lives and jobs. Bill Gertz is my le model.

I dream of becoming a scientist in the fute and contbuting to my country. We widely use the iPhone. That exquisite machine is perfect in the eyes of many users.

We all know that Apple has been psuing another better one, although there is no need for pity on anything. I'm deeply moved by this idea. What makes me love Ameca is its pgressive culte.

If I can go there, I will go to the museum and library to learn about its history and the backgund of modern society. I will make fends with my mother tongue, go to many places of interest and enjoy the betiful scenery. Finally, I will go to concerts and art gallees to release my soul and appreciate the great power of human creation.






In winter, most of Norway is a snow covered paradise fm November to Apl. The best way to enjoy is undouedly on the snowboard, but there are many other things to do, just sitting by the fire in a warm and comfortable cabin, which is a great please for some people. Children of all ages in the hotel bar (as well as many s) nr tire of playing in the snow, becse there are active sledding, skating, ice fishing and ice Climbing, ding and sledding, dog sledding and snowboarding travel Norway is famous for its css-country skiing, with a neork of first-class marked trails almost rywhere, with lling hills, forests and fzen lakes.

In the mountains, many all ski centers offer cheap ski rentals and tuition fees, one or o ski lifts and a buffet Hall, very suitable for occasional downhill or css-country practice skills. All downhill resorts have an extensive track neork, n if you have only a little expeence, if you have not ted css-country skiing, you can easily ski independently on well marked trails using the local trail map. Before that, it is quite easy to learn and does not need any ener, instead of walking on the skis gliding thugh betiful snow scenery Being away fm the cwd and noise is a totally different expeence.

Skiing rental is cheap and a few hos of tuition will get you started.




Where do you like to go on holiday) please come to Sanya. This is a betiful city. It has the most betiful beaches.

You can go swimming in the sea. We have swimming clothes for only yuan. It's very cheap and you can stay in hotels.

If you don't like traveling, you can stay there and have fun.



标签: 美国英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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