
发布时间:2023-07-07 02:56:52 阅读:74 点赞:0

关于”推荐职位“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Recommended position。以下是关于推荐职位专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recommended position

I'd like to interview for the position of ing. I'm an easygoing person. I'm good at English.

I'm cute. I'm good at self-study. I like goals.

I like challengers. I like to open up s. I'm good at socializing.

I have many fends. They like me very much. They can chat with strangers and be good fends for half an ho Sales Association is very suitable for me.

I can also use office sofare, such as word and excel. I think I have a lot to learn. I hope I can become a good team member and abide by the team rules.

I think it is very important. I can also travel and work. I hope that if you give me a chance, I can the with my fluent English.

I hope I can have the opportunity to join yo team. I will try my best to work. I think my advantage is that I have a stng sense of responsibility, insist on working and don't give up.

In addition, I am also very flexible in doing things. Excel.




My father my father is a handsome man. He is tall, medium-sized, with short black hair and big eyes. My father works in a hospital.

He is a doctor. He wears uniform in the hospital. He dves his car to work.

He is a good doctor. He loves his work. He works hard.

My father likes sports. He gets up at one o'clock ry morning and then in the afternoon, he plays basketball sometimes Playing chess with my bther, my father thinks that healthy food is good for o health, so we eat apples ry day. We don't eat French fes.

We often eat vegetables, fruits and fish. My father is also a humous man. I love my father very much.




Recently, the topic has become and popular. Some people say that a is their favote. The reason why they hold this view is that ② A is , ③ and, ④ Other people think that B is a better choice.

First of all, there are three reasons, followed by B, followed by 6, 3, and finally, fm my point of view, I think that the reason of 8 is 9. In fact, there are some other reasons that can explain my choice. The former must be a wise choice.

Some people think that ① For example, they think that (2) it will bng them (3) in my opinion, I have nr thought that this reason can be the focus of one thing, and (4) for another thing, 5. Fm what I said, I agree with the idea.


近来,①这个话题越来越流行。有人说A是他们最喜欢,他们之所以持这种观点,是因为②A是更多,③而且,④ 另一些人认为B是一个更好选择,首先有三个原因,其次是B,其次是⑥第三,最后⑦从我角度来看,我认为⑧原因是⑨事实上,还有一些其他原因可以解释我选择,前者肯定是一个明智选择,有些人认为① 例如,他们认为②,这会给他们带来③在我看来,我从来没有认为这个理由可以作为一件事重点,④对于另一件事,⑤。从我所说来看,我同意这个想法。

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