
发布时间:2023-11-26 11:32:19 阅读:182 点赞:0

关于”张衡介绍“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduction of Zhang Heng。以下是关于张衡介绍中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction of Zhang Heng

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, China was born in Nanyang County, Henan Pvince. At the age of, he was good at wting, and spent decades studying literate. At the age of, he wte astnomy.

At the age of, he became an official mathematician, wter, Zhan Xingjia, geographer and philosopher. He changed the calendar to make them consistent with the seasonal changes. He invented the desiated wind instrument for the earth's earthquake, which is known as "the world's most famous wind instrument" A rare branch in history, ST ".




Apart fm the establishment of a famous ck band in Hong Kong, they have always identified with the people of Hong Kong, which is reflected in their songs about social issues, psuit of dreams and politi. Wang Jiaju's "bad sea and sky" and "gloous years" are their o most famous works in the Chinese music circle, becse they are one of the few gups that and their own music, except for Xu Jinheng, a he who praises them, has nr recorded a cover in his study.




Pfessor Stephen Ho, now the most famous physicist in the world, was born at the age of this year. He entered Oxford University for his final examination. After being diaosed with amyotphic lateral sclesis, the new year department's work large scale structe of free time was published.

After announcing the discovery of black hole radiation, he became a member of the Royal academic association and published in a bef history of time.



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