
发布时间:2022-12-14 14:39:12 阅读:128 点赞:0

关于”我课堂“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My class。以下是关于我课堂xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My class

My name is Zhong Xin. I am a sixth grade student. There are o students in my class.

Nine are boys and enty-three are girls. Like other classes, there are some interesting students and some quiet students in o class. Generally speaking, o class is a united alliance.

The students get along well. We are also clasates. As fends, I like my lover.




My class is a competitive, trusting and fendly class. This is a big family of unity. There are lovely children in the family.

Some are nghty, some are quiet, maybe art and maybe active. Therefore, ryone has a lovely face. Everyone has a fairy tale betiful dream.

O dream can be ambitious. Some people want to be doctors, aies, scientists, pncipals, or run a factory in o class There are competitions. In o study, we compete with each other.

No one wants to fail. As long as someone is behind, someone will him to make up for the trust beeen o clasates. For example, "one student forgets to bng his pen, and the other will lend him." trust is like a wisp of spng breeze, which warms o whole class, ing each other and forging ahead bravely, although sometimes there are fction among the students, such as sometimes Will fight, fierce discussion and quarrel, but know the wng innocent party will immediately apologize, and then will become good fends side by side, o class is united, becse of the stren of unity in this warm family, students gw up happily, not only have knowledge, but also understand the truth, but also make fends, how to be happy with my family.

This is my class, I love ry one in the class There are nghty students, lovely students and considerate teachers in my class. I really want to stay in this class all the time.




There are o students in o class. Boys and girls are very active. The reason may be that there are boys than girls.

The classom atmosphere in o class is very good becse we often interact with teachers. O clasates are very united and each other. So we often orize some activities to strenen the relationship beeen students.

O daily activities are English days ry o weeks. We can only speak English ding recess. It sounds a little difficult, but it is really interesting.

The students like it very much.



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