英文读后感的格式模板_reaction to a book or an article 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-14 04:28:48 阅读:140 点赞:0

关于”读后感“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:reaction to a book or an article。以下是关于读后感初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:reaction to a book or an article

I'll give you a glass of water today. I'd like to read a book about water: water. Yo book, water for you, is very interesting.

It tells me a lot of useful things. The thor of this book is Fiona angustia, who is fm England. This book tells us: water plays an important le in o lives fm the sea, dams, reservoirs, spngs or thugh the pipeline .

Sometimes it is o fend, but it often becomes o enemy. Especially when the waste water or polluted water is not treated in time, it is time to take action to save o clean water resoces Soce. I think and people are polluting and wasting o water.

Please know that if there is no water, all of us will die, please stop doing so, becse without water, we will all die, so we should ptect the water in the world.





=====================================================J ` kwling is a world-famous wter, famous for the new Harry Potter. He is the thor of a sees of novels that attracted many people in the world. JK Rowling wte novels since childhood, grew up in Chepstow, and wte the first "book" at the age of Sisha.

The story about alibit is called rabbit. She is at Exeter University After studying French and classical literate, she moved to London to work for Amnesty International, and then went to Portugal to teach French as a forei language. Before settling down in Edinbgh, the idea of Harry Porter appeared on the train fm Manchester to London.

She said Harry Potter ======================================================================= I just read it After finishing the first Harry Potter book, I have read it five times. They are as magical and touching as before. Danger has sn quite satiactory retns.

The les are very wonderful and realistic. The bad people become good people, and the good people become bad people. Just like Li Fei thinks, what I like most about these books is such a message: it's normal to be different, and it doesn't matter.

I hope ryone in the school can hear this message, which may reduce bullying in school. These books are very valuable. Many people have real ideas about Harry's illegal behavior, but until now, only in this sees will he break a rule for personal interests.

Most of the time, he will make a decision, that is, what is ght is important than what is wtten. You know what life is like. Sometimes I think children get an example of how to do the ght thing, n if it involves breaking the rules in Porter's book, but at the same time, if you don't get cght and detained, the consequences of breaking the rules are there, and then a spell goes wng and someone becomes a cat, which shows that when you make a decision to violate the rules, things may not be what you want As expected, you have to be responsible for the results.





(match girl) after the little match girl read Anderson's fairy tale, I couldn't crying: "the little girl who sold the match". This article reflects the ruthlessness of human society towards the weak and the people of human society. I am very happy that I live in such a happy family.

I really sympathize with the tragic expeence of being sold to the little girl Hate capitali fther see o socialists in China, children wear neat clothes, eat delicious food, live in comfortable oms, can carry schoolbags ry day, learn knowledge in the bght classom, how happy o life is, I am really pud of socialist life, in order to live with her, we are really very lucky Fu Fu hopes to stay with her family. With her grandmother, she will lead an ordinary and happy life. Obviously, in her eyes, a happy life is to lgh with her family.

No matter how poor and painful o economy is, a happy life is in o economic dlopment, which makes o country pspeus and social stability. It's no ordinary thing. We live in a warm and sunny society At the meeting, we indulged in the imagination of the fute.

We had betiful clothes and a good learning envinment. It was a carefree day. There was a little girl who could sell matches.

She hoped to have a complete family. I was moved by the bght hope hidden in my heart by the little girl. The little match girl let me understand many reasons and let me know how to chesh today's happy life.



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