
发布时间:2023-05-13 08:52:30 阅读:169 点赞:0

关于”写招募海报“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wte recruitment posters。以下是关于写招募海报四级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte recruitment posters

Poster Fday, June, students, are you good at English? Do you want to impve yo spoken English? Please join usher in a great opportunity to show yo spoken English and impve it. The English Department of o school plans to orize an English speech con in the classom on the afternoon of June 6. The five pfessors of the Department will be.

If you think you are one of them, you can si up for it with yo monitor. The competition will be wonderful. You won't miss the English department.




Noodles yes, there is a good noodle shop on the green street beeen the bank and the post office. The noodles here are very delicious. The shops are very clean.

There are all kinds of flavors, such as beef, mutton, chicken and cabbage. You can choose all of them. Don't miss them.

When you arve, my good fend Susan has opened a noodle shop, which pvides all kinds of delicious noodles. In order to attract customers, Susan is going to wte an advertisement on the green street beeen the bank and the post office. Her noodles are good Eat, the shop clean vaety also has many noodles, beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage welcome to taste.




The ogin of Chinese new year the Chinese New Year is now generally known as the Spng Festival, becse it starts fm spng (the first of the 24 terms is in harmony with the changes of nate. Its ogin is too old to be traced back. Howr, the word "Nian" in modern Chinese only means "Nian".

It was oginally the name of a monster. It be to be cght the night before the start of the new year Cannibals. It is said that the year of the beast has a very big mouth, which will swallow many people in one gulp.

People are afraid that one day, an old man will come to save them and sacfice to subdue the year. He said, "I heard you are very capable, but can you swallow other beasts on the earth instead of those who are not yo opponents?" As a result, it swallowed many beasts on the earth, and they tormented people and their livestock fm time to time. The old man de the year of the beast and disappeared.

It tned out that he was an immortal God. Becse the year was gone, other beasts were scared into the forest. Before the old man left, people be to enjoy a peaceful life.

He told people to hang red paper on the doors and windows at the end of each year Decoration, in case of the coming of the new year, it slipped back, becse red is the most afraid color of wild animals.



标签: 外企英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名  简单英文名 

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