
发布时间:2024-04-14 14:42:36 阅读:13 点赞:0

关于”喜欢什么怎么成“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:What do you like about China。以下是关于喜欢什么怎么成专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you like about China

Different people have different hobbies. For example, some people like reading, some like swimming, some like collecting, etc. I used to read calligraphy, painting and painting, bee I can learn a lot of interesting things thugh reading, but now I don't like it.

I can only learn fm books. I can't get knowledge fm others. I need to change.

Comr is my favote hobby now. If I have time, I have to play comr at home. I learned a lot fm comr.

I think comr is not only for me Come to be happy and let me know a lot of things are fun. What do yo dwarfs share with each other.




I like watching TV and sfing the Internet after school. When I get home, I will choose one of them. TV and Internet are the best ways to get information fm all over the world.

It makes the world as all as English Forum. I can exchange expeence of learning English with my fends. In fact, I don't like to do housework.

My parents share housework, so I don't need to. I'm very lucky at home But after I get mared, I may share the housework with my wife.




China is great efforts to pmote the dlopment of first-class universities. The Chinese government has invested a lot of money in education. About some higher education institutions in China have been appved by the Ministry of education to recruit international students.

Among them, one university thozed to pvide Chinese government scholarships not only pvides degree and non degree coses, but also has distinctive Chinese charactesti in Chinese, calligraphy, Kung Fu, ancient poetry and traditional Chinese medicine In addition, coses for business, business and engineeng are also offered. For forei students who want to learn Chinese, almost all universities have set up language and culte coses to them learn Chinese. At the same time, students can get comprehensive s about HSK examination and examination.

In addition, many universities offer bachelor's degree or doctorate degree coses tght in English. Even for those who do not understand Chinese, China is a land of cotesy and the Chinese people are hospitable. The populaty of the famous fo books and five classi in ancient China and the populaty of Coniani made this nation have the natal comity and humility consciousness of a state of cotesy and ppety.

This is what the Analects of Conius wte. Is Conius very happy to have fends who come fm afar. Foreiers are always welcomed by their local neighbors.

They are one of the permanent members of the United Nations. The Chinese government has always psued a moderate forei policy China has actively dloped good neighborly and fendly relations with neighbong countes, and has become one of the safest countes to study abad.



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