壮族三月三的英语作文_March 3rd of Zhuang Nationality 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-01 00:43:18 阅读:247 点赞:0

关于”壮族xx月三“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:March 3rd of Zhuang Nationality。以下是关于壮族xx月三初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:March 3rd of Zhuang Nationality

The Zhuang people's parade is a grand nt d by Guangxi to display the charm of national culte, pmote economic dlopment and pmote national unity. Ding the annual "Zhuang grand parade", there are not a few celebration activities held in Zhuang area. March is Buluotuo's birthday.

The ancestors of Han and Zhuang are Shang Festival. There are three ancestors in March, Xuanyuan in March and Chiyou in March. The third day of the third month of the third lunar month is a traditional festival of songs of the Zhuang people.

It is also an important day for the Zhuang people to worship Pangu and Buluotuo ancestors.




On March 3, a festival to commemorate the Zhuang Nationality Festival of singer Liu Sanjie is formed by dividing the shed, holding, singing, singing, touching eggs, thwing hydrangeas and love legends. It is also known as the March goddess Festival. It is usually steamed with five glutinous ce at March 3.




Last month, I went to Beijing to visit a fend of mine, becse we haven't met for o years, and I have a holiday. This is my first time to Beijing. Beijing has always been the dream city of Chinese people.

All the information about this city comes fm books and TV. Now I can watch and understand it by myself. How excited I am! There are so many toist areas on my schedule, such as Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, Perkin University and so on.

But becse my vacation is very short, I only go to a few places on my list. If I have the chance, I will go to Beijing for a long joney with my fends.



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