关于理想的英语作文_ideal 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 07:55:34 阅读:132 点赞:0



People always complain about the society becse they think they are being treated unfairly. Many things are unpredictable. It seems that if rything is under contl, it is good for them.

But after watching the movies about contlled life, I don't think that when people realize that this wonderful world is a good choice and no longer belongs to them, what will happen, and then things are predictable, they don't feel anything, they can't feel real happiness and sadness, and then life becomes meaningless, n though people don't have any wores This wonderful world, they are walking dead, not living in happiness and sadness, which makes my life meaningful.




One day, a young man stood in the middle of town and declared that he had the most betiful heart in the whole valley. A large cwd gathered and they all aded his heart becse it was perfect. Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "why, yo heart is not as betiful as mine." the cwd and the young people looked at the old man's heart, which was full of scars.

Some places were removed and some places were put in, but they didn't exactly match. In fact, there were sral serrated edges and deep dents in some places, and the whole piece was gone. The young man said with a ile, "compare yo heart with mine, mine is perfect, yos is a bunch of scars." "yes," the old man said, "yo heart looks perfect, but I will nr trade with you.

You see, ry scar represents a person. I paid my love for him. I tore off a piece of my heart and gave it to them.

They often gave me a piece of their heart, just placed in the blank in my heart. "But becse the fraents are not accate, I have some ugh edges, which I chesh very much, becse they remind me of o common love." sometimes I give my heart to them "Although these wounds are very painful, they are still open, reminding me of my love for those people. I hope that one day they will come back to fill the I have been waiting for, so now you know what true bety is." the young man went to the old man and he put it in Reach into his perfect heart and tear a piece off for the old man.

The old man put it in his heart, and then he took a piece fm his scarred old heart and put it on the wound of the young man's heart. It was suitable, but not perfect, becse there were some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but betiful.

Since the love in the old man's heart flowed into his heart, they hugged and walked away side by side How sad, this is not touched by a heart.





Young people look at their own heart, no longer perfect, but betiful than r, becse the love fm the old man's heart flowed into his heart. They hugged each other and left side by side. How sad it would be to live with a whole untouched heart for life.



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