
发布时间:2022-10-18 09:48:45 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”夏令营活动“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:summer camp 。以下是关于夏令营活动专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:summer camp

Summer camp this summer, I went to the student summer camp of XXX School (or to say, I met a lot of new fends in the city, James, Mary and css). This summer camp lasted for a day. Although it was a short-term summer camp, we certainly had a good time.

We got up in the morning and did morning exercises after breakfast. We learned useful skills in dangeus situations, and we knew a lot about first aid. It's fun to play.

We play s together. My favote is chicken dancing. Sometimes we are tired, but we also learn a lot.

I like it, camp.




I will attend the summer camp in Qingdao, where I can enjoy the fresh air and betiful sea view. I can play on the beach. This is my dream.

I plan to watch the sunse. It must be betiful. I beli I will have a good time there.




Fortunately, I took part in the national student English learning activity sponsored by the National College English tutong thesis office in Yantai, a betiful coastal city fm July to December. English teaching experts fm home and abad participated in this activity. All campers are required to speak English in these fo days.

This is the second time of a sees of English activities The third National English speech con for middle school students. We also visited some places of interest. In July, we held a colorful English party.

The summer camp pvides us with a valuable opportunity to speak English, make fends and exchange learning expeence. At the end of the summer camp, I found that my English ll has been greatly impved. I will nr forget those unforgettable days in Yantai.




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