
发布时间:2023-06-11 11:50:14 阅读:62 点赞:0

关于”怎样学“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to learn。以下是关于怎样学初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to learn

English is a global language, it is very useful for us to learn it well, but first, learning new words is very important for English learning. Second, practice listening and speaking. You can speak English with others.

It will you impve. Finally, you can watch English movies or listen to English songs. It is interesting and ful.

Anyway, you should work hard.




Learning English well is a pcess of learning and self-ptection. I have a hypothesis that English learning is the general way to become a better person. First of all, you must spend time and patience to learn English, so this is the first step to become a succesul person.

It is said that diligence is the virtue of pcede, which is rything you do. Secondly, you must study hard. If you want to speak fluent oral English, you need coage and determination to learn English well A native speaker or just yo clasates.

Don't just do the language exercises yo teacher gives you. It's a kind of practical care. You will nr know what you are capable of, unless you have ted one day in practice at an airport in the United States.

You ask a native English speaker a question. He can understand you and you can understand him. Then I can say that you learn English very well.





As we all know, English plays an important le in the 21st centy, so we students need to learn it well. Well, in my mind, how to learn English, you can learn English by listening, speaking, reading and wting. English is a language, so the best way to learn it is to practice as much as possible.

By listening and speaking, we can increase o sense of it and make it interesting. We can learn a lot by reading English articles. We know that there are many sentences and grammar in wting.

This is a good way to check whether we have ed all the grammar. By the way, learning English has a long way to go. We need to be patient, listen, speak, read and wte ry day.




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