
发布时间:2024-02-28 11:53:12 阅读:41 点赞:0

关于”描写教室“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Descption classom。以下是关于描写教室小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descption classom

It was a cold winter day. Three students were reading in the library when they left the reading om. One of them threw away the magazine.

It fell into the hall with the heater on and it was very hot. The magazine be to oke, and then it be to bn. A passer-by saw the terble ell and called a few minutes later.

Sral fire engines and firefighters jumped out to put out the seous fire. A little girl was trapped on the fifth floor of the library. The situation was very dangeus.

A brave firefighter climbed up the ladder and bke the window on the fifth floor. Fortunately, the girl was rescued. Neither of them was in the end Injed, with the of the fire hose on the fire hydrant, the terble fire was put out.

Howr, the library was seously damaged and there was no place to hide. The students felt sorry for what they had done.




How to betify o classom? O classom is a learning place. The local knowledge exchange makes the classom look all over the place. When we betify it, we can think of the colorful stped lights hanging in the classom.

The lamp looks betiful. When we look up, we can see the color floating in the wind with the breeze. On the very betiful wall, we hang oselves The calligraphy and painting, the thick ell of paper and ink on the paper let us recall the past, o folding paper crane g on the ceiling with colorful colors, which made people feel fresh.




O classom o classom is very bght and betiful. There are fo tables and notebooks in the classom. There is a blackboard on the wall in fnt of the classom.

In addition, there are many heads of celebties on the wall. This is o classom. It is bad, bght and betiful.



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