
发布时间:2023-11-03 09:00:03 阅读:222 点赞:0

关于”学校体育场馆“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:School Stadium。以下是关于学校体育场馆小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:School Stadium

Good afternoon, Apl 1, ry year: fm Apl 1, ry year, dreds of millions of pmary and secondary school students have participated in the national student sports pgram. The Ministry of education calls on students to exercise for an ho ry day, hoping that they can work healthily for 50 years and enjoy their whole life. I think it's a good idea for us high school students to exercise ry day and keep their heads clear So we can work effectively.

thank you.




Baidu Zhidao school holds a sports meeting ry tumn, which is very lively. Recalling the last competition, I won the first pze of high jump dung the sports meeting. The students exercise in the morning, do eye exercises in the afternoon, and play basketball or football after class.

The schedule is very regular.




Morning exercise bell rang in the morning, I came out of the warm cotton wadding, quickly dressed, ran to the playgund, a few minutes later played on the parallel bars, came people, they exercise themselves in a vaety of ways, some on the track, some on the hozontal bar, some are playing basketball, a gup of girls walking on the balance beam at the corner, sral stng boys on the ngs over there With betiful movements, sral old people and women practiced for ten minutes in the sound of music. All the people on the playgund bent down to straighten up and tn left and ght. It was a betiful scenery.



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