
发布时间:2022-10-17 15:58:16 阅读:319 点赞:0

关于”食物浪费“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Food waste。以下是关于食物浪费高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Food waste

Although most of us are living a good life now, when people waste what they have, they should feel sorry for themselves. But when we walk into McDonald's and KFC to eat o luxy food, there are still some people who are living a miserable life. Howr, they just want to have some food to get d of their ger, just as their parents said they are As we have said in the past day, we can imagine that they have not spent that day yet.

Fm the faces of o parents, we can understand how many times I have seen a company or orization habitually waste too much good food. They are kind people who are willing to give food to others instead of thwing it into the garbage can. They may give food to the poor People or poor people, if someone is willing to go and see if they are gry, there may be a few beggars on the ad, so why don't they do it: there are too many stupid rules, just like there is no food that can be recycled like pork (becse for the health of pigs, if they eat other people's Sundays, all kinds of ideas are wng) lunch and There is no "OK, let's give it to the beggars." obviously, if beggars get sick by food, in theory, they can take the company to cot, not that they will be seously ill becse of the perfect food, nor that most beggars have the money to do a legal case of junk food.

Have you noticed that a all number of students recently litter after eating fast food Rubbish, they thw the packing box or paper on the school cordor, on the steps, under the stairs, on the playgund, on the lawn, on the bushes, under the wall, in the swimming pool, and so on. What's worse, some students thw rubbish on other people's bicycles. I think this is a very bad phenomenon.

It will not only harm o health, but also damage the moral cultivation of students, so I think We need to take meases to check this kind of behavior. If we see someone thwing rubbish, we can tell the teacher, or we can go to him and tell him that it is not good to do so, such things must stop.




According to the census, there are than one billion people in China. In order to support such a large population, farmers have to work hard ry day. China imports a lot of grain ry year.

How to save food has become an gent pblem to be solved. First of all, we should decide how much food to eat before eating, so as to avoid leaving food and food after meals To waste food, we should raise o economic awareness and reduce unnecessary waste. Third, we should mobilize people nd us to save food.




Human beings are wasting things rywhere. Wherr we go, we can see paper, bottles and cans thwn away. Food is wasted only becse poor clothes are out of date.

It is not only a waste of things and money, but also an abuse of natal resoces. Trees are cut down only to pvide fuel for wild animals, only for meat and f, and oil and coal are impperly exploited. The most seous example of human waste is the waste of time.

Many people often spend their time on worthless things, such as hanging out on the street and chatting in the office. We know that if we sleep too much ding the day, time is very precious to us, and the waste of time is a waste of life. It's time to stop wasting.

On the one hand, we must save and make full use of natal resoces, otherwise human beings will face the pollution csed by the shortage and waste of natal resoces. On the other hand, we must spend o time studying and working for the people, so as not to regret o past life.




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