
发布时间:2023-05-29 08:55:25 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”成领头人“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Succesul leader。以下是关于成领头人xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Succesul leader

Some people say that it is a good phenomenon that young people want to be leaders, which shows that young people have ambition, which will encoage them to work hard. Howr, others think that it will only show that there are so many young people chasing fame and wealth, which is a si that is not conducive to the healthy dlopment of young people and the whole society. I don't think that the sentence "don't want to be a general" is not a good soldier It is encoaging that there are many young people who seek power only in the interests of the people.




Leaders gain the commitment of others thugh their own commitment and by creating an envinment that encoages creativity. Thugh honest and fair mament, excellent leaders are not "lone Rangers". They realize that the success strate of an ozation requires the common talents and efforts of many people.

Leadership is the catalyst to tn these talents into results. Succesul leaders are emotional and intellectual To the fute, not to be united. For the past, they are eager to take responsibility, innovation and initiative.

They are not satiied with only cang about what is already there. They want to move forward to new things.




I beli that all success makes me confident than before. I dare to challenge my limitations and overcome my underestimation with greater confidence so as to achi greater success. I am very happy with my continuous success and self-confidence.

Now you can see the relationship beeen success, confidence and happiness.



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