
发布时间:2023-05-23 09:42:53 阅读:748 点赞:0

关于”我们学校变化“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Changes in o school。以下是关于我们学校变化小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in o school

In the past 20 years or so, o life has changed a lot. Take my family as an example, my parents used to contact others mainly by wting to them, but now we make long-distance calls at home. Once my parents listened to the radio to learn news and other information, but now we get news by watching TV.

Another great change is happening to me When they got mared about 20 years ago, my parents lived in a cwded all om, but now we have moved into a new three bedom apartment, o life has become comfortable and convenient.




I'm a middle school student. I'm happy to tell you that great changes have taken place in o school last year. O school is much bigger than before.

We built big houses, planted trees, and we also have a big garden. Now we can sit there and relax. The playgund is much bigger and betiful than before.

The head told us to be polite to o teachers, and we did as he said. Now we are in grade, we have to study harder than before. Students continue to do their homework in their spare time.

I think it's good, but exercise is important. Now o school is betiful, we are polite to teachers, we like learning very much. I think o school has changed in many ways.





There are not so many classoms in o former school now. There are no windows in the classom. In winter, the heating is not available.

The students are so cold that they cry. They are afraid of cleaning becse they are afraid of cleaning. The inside and outside of the classom are all loess and water.

We don't water each classom. Becse the students dig out the same white hair face fm the soil, we only see a pair of wandeng eyes, A classom, a pile of garbage, and can only be used three or fo times on the bucket, the completion is not the same as now, the school is facing great changes, winter occred, the teacher gave us fire, warm classom today is easier to clean, the layout of the classom is very betiful, the wall hanging a picte, the yard floor close to the pmary school is a bck shop, behind the blackboard is a all playgund equipment, there are Many sports, such as hozontal bars, parallel bars and so on, are in o care and love, becse in this way, ry student can be admitted to high school.



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