
发布时间:2023-06-09 04:25:26 阅读:79 点赞:0

关于”写留言条“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wte a message。以下是关于写留言条高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte a message

Dear Li Ming, we are going to the sanatoum to do some voluntary work this Sunday. When you are away, I will visit you. So I have to leave a message for you according to the monitor's words.

We will meet at the school gate tomorw morning and start off by bike together. You should de a bicycle and don't forget to bng some washing powder, hairdressing tools and weeding tools, so that we can them wash clothes, cut their hair and weed. Finally, you should remember to bng some lunch becse we will talk to them at noon.

If you come back, you'll call me at onceli Hua.



如果你回来,你会在onceLi Hua给我打电话。


Apple dear Yang, Mr. Liu Bing called you this morning, but you are not on Satday. He wants to see you.

If it is not convenient for you, I am at the gate of the University. Please call him fm afternoon to afternoon in the ning. Amelia appl, dear Fiona, this afternoon, I came to yo dormitory and died with the wind.

You lent it to me kindly last week. Unfortunately, you are not here and yo ommates seem not to be at home, so I have to take the book back. I'd like to know if you can si a contract with me at any time in the ning so that I can find the ght time to visit you, you sincerely yos, Amelia.




Mrs. Wilson, I'm going out shopping and I won't be back until nd what time in the afternoon. I have bught the o books you asked me to retn to the city library at about o'clock this afternoon.

Tracy called and said she couldn't see you at the Bolton Cafe tomorw morning becse she had something important to deal with. She was very sorry about this, but she said that you could fix another time to meet. She hoped you would call her back as soon as you got home.

She has told Susan that this has changed you. Li Hua: pay attention.




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