
发布时间:2023-06-23 17:28:35 阅读:476 点赞:0

关于”整容好坏“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Coetic sgery is good or bad。以下是关于整容好坏高一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Coetic sgery is good or bad

My opinion on plastic sgery in recent years, and people, especially some young girls, choose plastic sgery. Some people think that this kind of operation can impve a person's appearance and get a good job. Others hold different views.

They think that plastic sgery is a waste of money. I agree with the latter. First of all, bety is only superficial.

As the saying goes, virtue is superficial Plastic sgery can't impve a person's personality. Who do you think is popular? An ordinary girl has charming personality or a betiful girl has art attitude. Secondly, success depends on ability rather than appearance.

Some people, especially young girls, dream of finding a good job after plastic sgery. Foth, double eyelids need at least one yuan. Foth, people must bear the sk of sgery faile, which will be a lifetime of pain, people do plastic sgery is not desirable, we can impve o internal quality, such as o personality and ability, to get what we want, there is no need to ende the pain and economic loss of plastic sgery.




Nowadays, coetic sgery is becoming and popular in o world. Many young women agree to coetic sgery (especially to remove wnkles or sagging skin, while plastic sgery is to remove wnkles, sagging skin, fat deposition, or other visible sis of aging), one of which is not available for a long time The dnting gray self.




According to China difficult plastic repair Assistance Center experts, about plastic sgery, for most people, it is done or benefit fm the majoty of people. Howr, there are many people after coetic sgery did not achi the desired effect, or e other pblems of expert advice, before doing bety must establish a correct bety mentality, otherwise it may be than gain, for coeti Under the psycholo, the disadvantages are often greater than the advantages: iong their own connotation, shaping ability and self-cultivation, relying too much on betiful women's appearance, superstitious looking at facial makeup, expecting good luck in coetic sgery, blindly worshipping celebties, iong their own conditions and possible sks, taking the appearance of their idols as a template, completely change yo coetic addiction, too frequent plastic sgery is not advisable, coetic sgery The ppose is , if there are any unrealistic requirements, or extreme ideas such as comparative mentality, which lead to beyond the scope of sgery, the sk of feasible sgery ses sharply, the number is temporaly cheap, and no medical qualification can be found. In addition, bety as a science, must follow the scientific law, plastic bety Doctors and hospitals have specific requirements, to certain scientific knowledge, have certain qualifications, expeence and technolo can do coetic sgery, operation errs and maintenance nsing errs, and may lead to breast entation faile and other sgical faile, which will pduce some hematoma, capsule contracte, psthesis displacement, etc.

if unfortunately, coetic faile oc, consumers should also rationally face it We can try to recover thugh plastic sgery repair, but we should find a regular plastic and aesthetic institutions, and have expeenced technolo, high medical ethi plastic sgeons.



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